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If the idea of ​​learning in a group makes you uncomfortable,


If you want to adapt your pace of learning to your own goals,


If your schedule does not allow you to join a physical or virtual class,


If you want to learn with your spouse, friend, colleague,


or if you live in another time zone,


A Breath of French Air provides customized private one-on-one, DUO and semi-private instruction. Start at any time and benefit from flexible scheduling and personalized instruction. Classes are available at all levels of proficiency. The lesson plan is jointly designed to best meet your expectations.


Lessons take place at my place or at a private home or office (depending on your location, an extra fee will be applied to cover the teacher's drive to your house).


Please, contact me to schedule and define the content of your classes.


Sohrab, C1

After a few weeks of taking the class with Virginie, I developed a love for French that I never thought I would ever have. Her lessons are well structured and give students a chance to dramatically improve their conversational skills

Adrienne, B2

Je reçois le focus individuel et spécialisé dont j’ai besoin. [...] Ça m’aide beaucoup parce que j’assimile les corrections immédiatement, je les retiens mieux, et nous discutons les points de grammaire dont j’ai besoin.

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